Watch Recordings of Past Webinar Events
For the Cultivating Food Sovereignty Webinars, visit this page.
Intercropping Webinar

Presenter: Presenter: Dr. Eric Bremer, Western Ag Innovations
Resilient Rurals and Rural Routes to Climate Solutions discuss the ins and outs of intercropping in Alberta! Dr. Bremer covers oilseed-pulse intercrops and the impact of seeding rate and Nitrogen fertility. He also discussed his research on how various plants benefit each other.
Want to learn more? We recommend reading Rural Routes to Climate Solutions farmer’s blog post: Intercropping: Experimenting for Diversity.
Perennial Grains Webinar

Presenter: PhD Candidate Erin Daly of the University of Alberta
Hosted as Part Two of the series with our friends from Rural Routes to Climate Solutions. Erin Daly discussed what is coming out from current research on perennial grains and answered questions about perennial grain growing in Alberta agriculture.
Want to learn more? Listen to Rural Routes to Climate Solutions podcast on perennial grains.